
Our Gear
Everything we use here has been selected or modified with great care and scrutiny, affording a wide range of treatments for a wide range of music. Whether transparent corrections or euphonic enhancements, our goal is to deliver your listeners the best possible presentation of your tracks.
We’re proud of our gear, but we know our most powerful tools are our ears. We don’t have a “default” processing scheme, and only use what we think will serve each project’s creative intent. Our studio’s accurate acoustics and our ME-Geithain monitors are the most essential elements in our arsenal. They allow us to decide what, if any processing is needed, and to know definitively when we’ve got it right.
Analog Signal Processing
- Sontec MES-482D7 equalizer
- Neve 2087 equalizer
- Focusrite 315 mkII equalizer
- API 5502 equalizer (modified)
- SPL PassEQ equalizer
- Eclair La-La Model 62 vacuum-tube optical limiter
- Crane Song STC-8H compressor/limiter
- NTP 179-170 compressor/limiter with Chris Muth modifications
- Dolby 740 spectral processor
- Crookwood custom M-S processor

Digital Audio Workstations and Signal Processing
- Pro Tools HDX with DSP by DMG, FabFilter, Waves, iZotope, Brainworx, TDR, MDW, McDSP, Massey, and far too many more
- Assembly and masters via WaveLab and Sonoris
- iZotope, GoodHertz and Z-Systems sample rate conversion
Monitoring and transfer
- AD and DA conversion by Forsell, Crane Song, Mytek and Crookwood
- Custom Crookwood monitor, insert and transfer console
- 1/4″ and 1/2″ analog tape playback is available on request